Castello Del Sole

International Yoga Day

- SPA & Beauty

  • Duration

    The whole day

  • Price

    Free of charge for our hotel guests, Aqua Fitness & VIP Members

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International Yoga Day not only celebrates the importance and tradition of yoga and its holistic healing effects, it also reminds us that yoga connects people all over the world.

Let's celebrate the unity of body and mind together with a special programme:

7:00 - Sun salutation A&B, Surya Namaskar A&B

8:30 - Pranayama

10:00 - Mudra

11:00 - Vinyasa Flow

13:30 - Healthy Joints - PAWANMUKTASANA

14:30 - Singing bowl meditation 

15:30 - Makko-Ho

17:00 - Meditation


Please book the desired course or a Shiatsu massage directly at our SPA Reception. The courses will be held outdoors if the weather is favourable. Various Ayurvedic drinks are available for each yoga session.